Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Business Information not limited to a "thing"

In the capitalist world/ the neo-liberal world information tends to be commodified into a thing or a resource. This thing or resource is then handled by technology. However, I want to argue that information is not just a thing or a commodity packaged in a particular format or medium or media. Business information is much more.

First there is people information or people sources of information (most commonly referred to as knowledge).  For those seeking business information, much of the information that is relevant comes from social capital or people sources (otherwise known as oral or personal sources). As such a business information system for business users cannot only provide information embodied as thing, but must also facilitate the exchange of information or knowledge transfer through interaction with personal or people sources. This may be done through technology and spaces that facilitate online social networking and digital communication.

For further discussion on information as a "thing" see Buckland (1991).

Buckland, M. K (1991). Information as Thing. Journal of the American Society for Information Science  42, 5;  351-360. Retrieved from

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